🌱 SquishyWishyBoo 🌱



Singer on YouTube,
Streamer on Twitch,
Squishy everywhere.
Father and leader of the Bobs.
Model and Rig by Squishy (me)

Where to Find Me

For art commissions, you can either DM me on Twitter or email me at [email protected]For vocal talent, Twitter is preferrable.I am most active on Twitter, so you can get updates there the fastest.I stream on Twitch, so check out my content there!Check out my YouTube Channel for covers of songs and stream archives.

Twitch/Discord emotes (600 pixels x 600 pixels, .png)

-20 USD each + 10 USD*;
-15 USD each for 5 emotes (save 25%)+ 8 USD*;
-12 USD each for 10 emotes (save 40%) + 6 USD*
*additional cost for each animated emote

General Art (3000 pixels x 3000 pixels, .jpeg)

-35 USD (lineart)*;
-50 USD (flat colours)*;
-88 USD (colours with rendering)*
*cost may vary depending on level of detail/rendering requested (including background).

Canvas ratio can be altered, default will be as mentioned above.
Please specify for custom ratio. All payment is via PayPal.
I am relatively okay with most things, except explicit gore. To be safe, just ask me about it and I will tell you if I'm fine with it.

I sing and voice act ._.

1. Interpretation

1.1 The definitions and rules of interpretation in this clause apply in this document.
1.2 For the purposes of this document, the Artist refers to Squishy herself.
1.3 The Customer refers to the party commissioning the Artist for a Product.
1.4 A Product is anything that comes as a result of the Artist's work during the commission.

2. Payment

2.1 All payments must be conducted via Paypal and only:
(a) through a Paypal request sent by the Artist.
2.2 The Customer must pay the agreed amount for the commission first before the Artist undertakes the commission.

3. Process and Delivery

3.1 Depending on the complexity, queue of commission requests and/or personal projects the Artist may have, the delivery period may vary.
3.2 Completed commissions will be delivered via email (Google Drive).
3.3 All communication (excluding delivery) regarding the commission will be carried out via Twitter DMs/email (Twitter is preferred).

4. Copyright Usage

4.1 The Artist:
(a) Retains all copyrights over the commissioned product(s).
(b) Reserves the right to post the commissioned product(s) online (with watermarks) and in her portfolio.
4.2 The Customer:
(a) May upload the commissioned product(s) on social media, provided either a link to Squishy’s website/socials or handle (@SquishyWishyBoo) is mentioned in the same post.
(b) May not profit from the commissioned product(s) [including reselling, redistributing, selling prints, etc] unless discussed and agreed upon earlier with the Artist during the initial stage of the commission.
(c) May not claim the commissioned work(s) as their own.

5. Cancellation and Refunds

5.1 Refunds will not be allowed once work has been started on the commission unless a valid reason is given:
(a) A valid reason being any reason given by the Customer that the Artist agrees to.
5.2 The Artist will transfer the money back to the Customer via Paypal within 5-7 business days.
(a) The Customer should not issue a Paypal chargeback.